Hi Everyone,
Do you clean your classroom every day? For this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on your classroom cleanliness.
To help you with this task, I will list some questions below:
2. Why do you think it is important to keep the classroom clean?
4. Which classroom cleaning activity did you participate in? (sweeping the floor, emptying the basket, cleaning the whiteboard, etc)
5. What have you learnt from this activity?
6. What school values have you learnt from the classroom cleaning activity?
Waiting to read your reflection soon.
Temperature taking will be happening twice daily. Just like classroom cleanliness, we have the responsibility to take our temperature and be aware if we're not feeling well so that we don't spread our germs to others. Sad to say, Mrs Yap is not feeling well so I won't be in school tomorrow. My family has been taking turns having the cold - sore throat, block nose, bodyaches... Thus with the ever-changing weather, everybody take care of your health and drink lots of fluids. Most importantly, remember your hygiene. Take care!